Sunday, June 6, 2010

Basic Beekeeping DVD

A few years ago, I traded in my urban lake view condo in Seattle for 10 acres in the country. I wanted to try my hand at a different kind of living. I planted my first garden, bought my first goat, and my brother said, "you should get a bee hive out here." Sounded like a good idea to me.

I heard about how bees were disappearing, and I love me some honey, so I decided to buy some bees. I got a few books, and looked around for a DVD that would show me the basics and found that there really wasn't much out there for the beginner. There's plenty of material if you have a PhD in entomology, but if you just want to know how to light your smoker, there's not much in the way of DVD instruction.

I had done some television production in the past, so I decided I'd make the DVD that I wish was there when I started.

I'll take you through an entire year for the new beekeeper. We'll cover all the basics: what kind of gear will you need? How do you install a package of bees? How do I get the honey?

You can now find the DVD and our 2nd Beyond The Basics DVD at

If you'd like to "rent" the DVD through Amazon Video On Demand for $1.99, click here.



1 comment:

  1. Ron, great job! We just recently purchased your DVD and it provided the information we were looking for. Just called "Trees and Bees" to pre-order our bees for 2011.

    Geoff and Debbie Fischer
